A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Boy's best friend

Lovin to watch the dogs thru the screen and yes
they are loving to get to know him better too.
His legs kick and he squeels and gurgles at them. The little bugger gets so excited
to see and be close to the dogs that he sometimes...gets on
all fours and bonks his head into the glass door.
This time I think Rusty licked his nose.....

I was feeding the dogs and cleaning up in the backyard and
there he was wanting to be right up close to the dogs. He got so close that
he smuushed his nose to the glass..... I had to recreate this
by feeding the dogs a little extra so they would keep him
occupied while I ran to get the camera and snap a few.
Not the most flattering but Funny.

He likes to help feed the dogs. Watches them as they run back and forth in the yard. He twist one way then the other just to keep track of them both as they run in opposite directions.


Erin said...

that's the cutest thing! I love all his hair too!

Sharla said...

He is such a cute baby! It is funny how they love their dogs at such a young age and how the dog will entertain them - so cute. Thanks for all the comments on my blog, it's fun to be able to keep in touch with old friends!