A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Learning how to stand

I'm not camera Shy at all...I like seeing my reflection in the big lens!

I like to crawl into new spaces. The enclosure make me feel safe.

I also like to crawl out.....and back in again.

So the last month I have been working on my sitting and standing. I can pull myself up on my knees pretty easy, but getting to my feet is a little harder.

It has gotten a little cold here so can finally where my cool coat Aunt Sandy got me. I gotta say I'm a hunk.

I like the toy that Jamey and Debbie gave me, i pretty much have all the levers and buttons down. And it works great for pulling myself up. I can also use in to hang out and look around at the doggies.

I have been secretly standing in my crib seeing how far over the rail I can hang, (when I'm supposed to be sleeping) but Mom caught me one night and made Dad lower the mattress. I can still stand but no climbing out..... at least for now.

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