A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Sunday, September 6, 2009

my life is everchanging

No sooner had we gotten the rolling over mastered, did little Mister learn that he could move his body in other directions. He's been pivoting on his belly, rocking on his knees, scooting and army crawling for a few weeks. Now he's getting quicker and not so shy about his movements. He knows what he wants and goes right toward it. I love the toys that make noise.. that way I know where he is...once I hear silence then I have to go looking for him and find him where he ought not to be.. He's moving with a purpose now. He loves playing under the table.

Little Bubba has also learend that he can make noise with his toys. I heard a chink chink and there he was hammering away at his little tool bench.

Still Every thing goes in the Mouth.

**Yeah 6 Months**
We started on Solid food....well mushy cereal.
Last week- Rice
This week- Oatmeal

He is doing very well. he has been watching us eat for some time now and loves eating himself. The spoon comes and he opens his mouth.
He likes it thicker instead of runnier. It also is less messy, So I like it too.

Okay so who said that once they start on solids they can get backed up? Ever since he started solid food he's been a poopin machine.
It's thicker so we are not getting the blowouts we used to.
Thank goodness.

The other night I decided He is old enough to sleep through the night and has done so a few times so...that is our new goal.

1 comment:

HMichaelsen said...

6 mojths-1 year is such a fun stage! Busy too! He's such a cutie!