A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

to sleep perchance to dream

The other night I dreamed of the baby. It very well could have been Charley I dremt about too. Well she had soft black hair. Kinda sticky uppy! Asian eyes and the most delicated soft skin. Little asian nose, I've been worried it would have michael's nose..... With all the features being so delicate....I think its a girl! We shall see.

October 14th we go for the Final ultra sound to check and make sure things are growing well. I have been more hungry lately. Hopefully the food goes to the right places.
March 2nd is the Due date. I'll take bribes to have her on your special day! ..... as long as its in Early March.


Carolyn said...

Love the baby dreams. Good luck on the food going to the riht place, just kidding! :) I can't wait to find out what you are having!

NascarSandyB said...

I ask you, have you ever see a newborn baby that didn't have a little tiny nose and delicate skin? I've got to still go with the standard Tong birth order pattern which means it's going to be a boy.

March 2nd. Hmmm. Maybe you'll have him on your own birthday.

Fawcett House said...

March 2nd is Debbie and my anniversary.