A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

At the RANCH

We spent the Weekend at the Ranch. I was back and forth about going or Staying home. There were many momentus things happening this weekend. Mom's first Mother's day, Dads Birthday, Popo's Birthday, Cousin Philips Birthday........& this was the first night away from home for JAX. There were lots of new things to experience:

Popo and Gong Gong's house

The Desert Air-Wind


Long car rides

Rest Areas

trying to sleep in a strange place




Uncle Glenny was teaching Jax how

ladies ride

Gentlemen ride


Cowboys ride

Among other things............


HMichaelsen said...

Looks like fun! Hope you had a great First Mommies' Day!

glynrd said...

You are soooo short.