Since the last post lots has happened.
Superbowl Weekend Mike went Riding. He was allowed to go only if he proimsed to take it easy and not come home with ANY injuries that would affect his performance in the delivery room or the weeks leading up the delivery. He came in wonderful spirits with fun stories to tell about his setup, and riding with the Williams. Glad he could enjoy himself.
Two days later he calls me to ask..."where's the Dr's office?" "WHTAT the.... "was going thru my mind.... Mike never goes to the Dr. so when he's asking....Im a thinkin...this is bad....this is real bad. But he was as calm as a cucumber! He had gotten pierced like a shish-K-bob with a piece of RAZOR WIRE! Said he put his finger in the hole to stop the bleeding! (sigh)
BABY CLASSES! The more you try to know about being a parent the more you realize that you know less than when you started! Feeding, pooping, bathing, breastfeeding, crying, swaddling.......who knew!
1 comment: least he didn't get hurt riding! good luck with the delivery and hope all goes well. we'll be excited to meet the little guy!
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