A walk in the Park

A walk in the Park

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Graduating to..somthin cuter....sweeter

This year so far has been quicker than lightning...and so has our little crawler....
He has mastered crawling around the house to:
find Mom....
find Dad.....
play with the dogs....
go up the stairs.......
see who's in the bathroom.....
look out the window.....
It hasn't stopped at crawling....he's gotten into climbing....he loves climbing onto the wooden butcher block and plays with the handle on the mixer. It is tight in there but he manages to get himself in and out without any trouble!
"Little Squiggles" also has graduated from the baby tub/sink to the big tub! The first time was a little scary.....for him.....but as long as we've got the toys and some cups he'll do just fine. HE's growing up too Fast! A year is almost here..and Mama's not quite ready for a toddler. Especially one that thinks he can stand in the tub. Leaning over the tub....Oh My back just kills after bathtime.
"lil Stinker"
so he's old enough to sit in his high chair and feed himself finger foods..but what the camera did not catch is the dropping of said food on to the floor.....We'll be done eating and there is a sea of chunks on the floor....seat..cushion...( that's why the cushion is missing..its in the laundry).....So we send the dogs in to clean up his mess and he continues to hang his hand over the side of his chair and lets Rusty eat out of his hands..... he gets the biggest grin on his face when Rusty is done with the food and licks his hands clean...

His little personality is really quite charming..

1 comment:

Christi said...

OH he is SO STINKIN CUTE! Just wanna give him hugs. Thanks for posting!